cannot get logic for concatenation awk

Hello friends,

    I have a problem in printing an array..

Example if my array line contains 4 elements like following
line[1]=0002 , line[2]=202200, line[3]=200002, line[4]= 300313


 one = sprintf line[1] line[2] line[3] line[4] 

will concatenate my whole array to one.

But I am not sure about the array index how long will it will be ..If more big array came I need to write it again like

 one = sprintf line[1] line[2] line[3] line[4]  line[5] .....

Please help me with a logic or code .. how to loop here instead of using index explicitly..

Thanks in advance..

awk 'BEGIN{a[1]="abc";a[2]="def";print length(a)}'

Once you know the number of elements, you can use a for loop.

Thanks for the reply ,, Yes I do know how many elements are in the array,
but my problem is to print it in one variable

suppose if my number of elements in the array is 3 ,then my commnad should look like this

input = sprint line[1] line[2] line[3]

On the other hand if the number of array element increases suppose to 4 then my command should look like

input = sprint line[1] line[2] line[3] line[4]

and like wise you can see the sprint line is varying with the index number..

That is my basic need .. pls help..

awk 'BEGIN { 
  for ( i=1;i<=3;i++) {
  print result

Thank you I got that.. Many many thanks ..

Thanks I did like this

		 input = ""
		 for (i=1 ; i < j ; i ++){
		   input = sprint input "" line

no need : input=""
what is sprint?

input = input "" line [i]should suffice.

I guess sprint to print to a variable GHOSTDOG.. Am I right ?

Thanks ..