Cannot copy files using mget

I performed the following operations:

  • ftp
  • open
  • username, password
  • dir
    200 PORT command succesful
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls

I see some files and 1 directory

  • I digit: mget *
    for each file I see:
    mget .\nomefile? Y
    200 PORT command succesful
    125 Data connection open, transfer starting
    226 Transfer complete
    local: .\nomefile remore: .\nomefile

and so on for all the other files.

When i close ftp, I cannot find the copied files.

Can you help me?

Are you sure about the local directory to which ftp is done? Make sure you use the lcd to confirm the local directory


Is the backslash really part of the name? If what you wrote is what you actually typed
that is probably the reason you cannot see your file.
cd to the directory on the unix box where you were, try:

ls -la *omefile

the \ character is a special character to the unix shell. Do not use it in filenames.

I only typed: mget *
Then the output is:
mget .\nomefile? Y
200 PORT command succesful
125 Data connection open, transfer starting
226 Transfer complete
local: .\nomefile remore: .\nomefile

So the the \ character is on the output, i didn't type the \ I only typed mget *

Then, to reply to dennis.jacob i tryed to type: mget lcd *
and the result is the same

Further to Jim Mcnamara. The remote filenames appear to be invalid. To work out where they went you need to know the actual filename.
However: This might reveal them.

ls -la .??*

Can you get a a normal unix directory listing of the files on the remote server? I don't think that the "dir" in ftp is telling the whole story.
e.g. To show funny characters in filenames:

ls -la directory_name | sed -n l

Yes, using ls -ls i see also files copied by mget, their names is .\filename for example .\current.nas

Why they contains th .\ characters in the name?

I think that the original files on the far server have very strange filenames.
It's actually quite difficult to guess the filename.
You need to find out the actual name of the files and then consider repairing the process which created the files.

A unix filename can contain virtually any character including shell special characters. It is never sensible to have shell special characters in a filename (e.g. backslash, dollar etc.).
Also if you want to transfer a file with ftp protocol the filename rules are much more restrictive than modern unix or Windows.

On a hunch, the files could have been created when someone typed ".\filename" instead of "./filename" in a non-shell context like a program.

if i login by ftp in the far server and i type ls i see files with name in format for example:

They seems normal file names.

I was assuming a foreign OS/filesystem on the remote system - like FAT32.

Yes, I think the servers use different filesystem, it's strange that file copied using ftp are copied well, with ftp there aren't problems.