cannot connect with ssh


I have created a new user as below:

useradd -g staff -s /usr/bin/ksh test2
passwd test2
<type in new password>
<type in new password>

and I could not login via ssh with this username while I can do it with another username.

Can anyone tell anything missing?


It is helpful to post the error message. It can be several reasons why.


The error message is "Password authentication failed. Please verify that the username and password are correct", but I am sure the password is correct, and I can switch to this user in bash with the same password.

Please advise.


In ssh configuration file... please check if Allow users keyword is present followed by a list of users. if thats the case only the users present in that userslist can connect through ssh.

In case of solaris the configuration file is /etc/sshd/ssh_config

Are you sure you have no login management tool running that is set by default for your user? Maybe all you have to do is change your userauthentication to sys ?