Can you crack it?

Inspired by the GCHQ talent spotting code-cracker competition :eek:, here is my own little brain puzzler for budding cracker enthusiasts. Can you crack this code? If you think you know the answer, post it here (edited). There are no rewards, short of the feeling of smugness and some potential kudos from your peers. Enjoy the challenge!

95 0f 1b 95 1e 0f d5 0a   1d d5 05 1b d6 0c 05 50
01 50 05 d6 06 51 19 a6   50 00 d4 06 53 20 69 73
20 50 00 d5 0c 0c 06 0a   d4 0c 50 0d d4 0c 53 21
00 00 00 50 0c 91 0c

:wall: can you give me a hint like how i should proceed and what would be output like?


It'll be a message written in English. To crack the code, it might help to know more about the guy who invented it.