Can someone please help me translate this UNIX script to English?

Hi guys,

I'm trying to create a DataStage job and I'm basing it off an existing similar project.

The 'Input' value of the job is:

(where "/DATA/CSV_FILES" is where all the files were located)

My understanding is that for each CSV, it added the 'filename' as Column A. And then it joined all the CSV files together and created a single output.txt file.

I've copied everything that this job did - only that my CSVs are slightly different. Unfortunately when I run the job, it does not work and tells me that 'output.txt' is not in the folder. So I'm guessing I need to tweak this UNIX code a bit to suit my needs.

Problem is I don't understand it. Is anyone out there possible to give me some guidance on how to do this? (or better yet, translate it to English please? :slight_smile: )

Kind regards

Please use code tags, not quote tags, for code!

cd /DATA/CSV_FILES                      # change dir
for i in *.csv                          # loop for all files with .csv extension
  do if [ -f "$i" ]                     # if regular file
       then sed "s/^/$i,/" "$i" > temp  # prefix every line with respective file name
            sed 's/.*/&,/' temp >temp2  # suffix every line with comma
  cat temp2                             # list the file to stdout
  done > output.txt                     # redirect all above (= every .csv prefixed) to file 
rm -f temp*                             # remove tmp files             

I guess the problem lies here:


Verify if this path is valid. I would suggest to replace it with absolute path.

Here is a similar variation. I've taken the liberty to edit some.

cd /DATA/CSV_FILES # Get in correct directory
rm -f output.txt   # Clear output file
for i in *.csv; do       # For each input .csv file
  if [ -f "$i" ]; then   # If the file is a "regular" file (test not really needed)
    sed "s/^/$i,/" "$i" > temp          # Add file name as first column for all lines and write to output.txt
    sed 's/.*/&,/' temp >> output.txt    # Do you really want another comma at the end of the line?
rm -f temp

Sorry about that - will wrap in code next time!
Cheers for the translation as well

What about (untested!):

sed  "s/^/$i,/ ; s/.*/&,/" /DATA/CSV_FILES/*.csv > /DATA/CSV_FILES/output.txt