Can somebody help me check over my shell scripts??

I been having a lot of trouble trying to start up a 3rd party application in Solaris 7 but it seams that its missing entry's when trying to run the files so maybe the start shells scripts have errors and maybe thatr is what is causing the issues I have added two links to the shells can anyone check them out to make sure there no errors?

Thanks a lot.

Why are you using Solaris 7? You might want to update your OS to something more current like Solaris 10, which is only 9 years old. Solaris 7 is almost 16 years old. How old is your hardware?!?! Are you using an ultraSparc?

You need to ensure that your start up scripts are written for the bourne shell, and that they are doing logging. Make sure you look through the /var/adm/messages directory for the boot log to see if you trapped any errors during the boot process.

And what issues are you having? What are people supposed to be looking for? It's pretty tough to crawl through a lengthy script looking for errors when the "issues" are unknown

legacy scripts running on legacy hardware we want to upgrade but we need to get orignal software running on the server/OS it was designed for before we even upgrade.

here my log

thats errors i get when running scripts

Only issues I see are the lack of "quotes" but that's common in these things. No one expects filenames to have spaces (which is usually true).

So perhaps the error is in how they're invoked? Or how it's all configured

If you can't get the application running on boot, then have you been able to start the application from a command prompt? If all you want to do is get the software running so that you can migrate it, then you just need to fix the scripts so that they can get manually started, then figure out how to migrate to a newer application running on a newer OS and hardware.