Can not ping default gateway


Here is the issue: There are 2 identical systems in the same subnet here. They can ping and ssh each other. One can ping the default gateway and one can not with error '... icmp_seq Destination Host Unreachable'. I can't find any difference between the two systems in terms of network configuration (other than their own IPs).

How can I troubleshoot this issue? Please share your experiences. Thank you much in advance!


Did you bring the interface up.

Also if issue remains try different port. If using eth0, try eth1.

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ikn3, thanks a lot for the hint.

'ping -I eth0 ip' is not working.
'ping -I eth1 ip' is working.

How do I determine which interface is the default one that ping uses?


you could try the following:

ping -R ipaddress

which should show something like this as part of the summary heading output:

RR:     xx.xx.xx.14

Which shows the route that the ping is taking and from this which interface (whichever interface is configured with xx.xx.xx.14) is being used.

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Please past "route -n" command for both system.