Can not copy file not enough space on LV


Please can someone help.

I have created a lv called lv00 in datavg

it has 8 PP's in use and each PP is 256MB

I have 537 Free PP's

Every time I copy my mksysb file to this new lv it gives me an error:

0653-447 Requested a write of ..... but wrote only  ...
errpt tells me Unable to allocate space.

OK makes sense, but my file is 1.5GB and my datavg is 2GB
I guess this means I am limited to 1GB due to fs type, but I am using jfs2

Please can someone tell me what I need to configure and where it is. I think it is probably some kind of ulimti? but cant find any more info on it.

Please help.

The ulimits are stored in /etc/security/limits in two ways: there is a default clause listing all the limits which are in place per default. Every user can have its own stanza with entries overriding these defaults.

Issue "ulimit -a" to see all the limits in place. Issue "ulimit -f <n>" to change the maximum filesize (in disk block units).

I hope this helps.


are you able to unmount the filesystem?