Can I use a Perl Module without installing it?

I am trying to write a program that will use templates, so I figured I would use the Text::Template CPAN module...

...only problem is that I cant force my "clients" to install this module, cause they are clueless. Is there anyway that I can NOT install it for the whole machine, but install it for JUST my directory... aka: inside my redistributable package? That way, if someone un-tars my package, they get everything, modules and all, no installation necessary.

Answer to my own problem:

  • Apparently you don't need to do the "make install" step for this particular module, since there are no dependencies, only a Perl Module file. All you have to do is copy the module directory structure into your working directory. So for this module, I have the Perl Module located in ./Text/Template

Its just that easy... and then you can call it in your Perl application just bys saying "use Text::Template"

Thanks anyway