Can i reboot a zone when i logged in the zone

I am curious to know if I can reboot a zone while I was inside the zone itself.
By doing so can I know what happens to the zone and what are the pros and cons.
Is it recommended or not?
Is that zone will properly shuts down;


Sure you can. That's the usual way to reboot a zone. If you are logged to the console, you'll see all the shutdown and boot messages in it.

Then what is the difference between shutting down while inside a zone
or shutting down from a global zone.

Why i have this question because,
I've rebooted a zone from the zone itself, from the global zone it showed its shutting down and returned the prompt. Alternately i was checking the ping status, its continuously pinging but not shutting down.
So i thought it was not the right way and i again tried shutdown from global zone with zoneadm command. Still the non-global zone status is shutting down only.
That's why i ask is there any problem by doing so?

If you are asking what is the difference between shutdown and reboot, then the former leave the zone halted while the latter leave the zone in the running state. Whether you initiate these commands from the global zone or not doesn't matter a lot, in any case, the command is eventually executed in the non global zone.

Okay that helps. Thank you Jilliagre.

i was always do zoneadm -z zone123 reboot

Even that also kept me in shutting_down state.
How to overcome that.

if you login using zlogin -C zonename, then it is like logging to the "console" of the zone. You will see more errors and even you can boot the zone with -m debug and stuff like that.
