Can I combine these two commands into one?

sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba' a2.html -removes html tags


sed -i 's/YOURS TRULY/Joe Bob/' a2.html

Replaces a string with another string

can i make it into one string?

Hi boyboy1212,

To join sed commands is needed -e option, for example:

If you have this command
sed 's/search_1/replace_1/' input
and this one

sed 's/search_2/replace_2/' input

You can write with one sed invocation as follow:
sed -e 's/search_1/replace_1/' -e 's/search_2/replace_2/' input

Or more compact like this:

sed -e 's/search_1/replace_1/;s/search_2/replace_2/' input
 *merged with ";" between end and begin of each part

Try doing this and see what happens.

Hope it helps.


Should you be using the "-i" argument in the first script as well? If not, then will you want to replace YOURS TRULY on the file before removing the tags or after?