can folder shared with NFS (/usr/)


i wanted to ask you

i try to setting:
pc server name: A
pc user name: B
pc user name: C

server A is opensuse 11.2 with kde 4.3.5 and last kernel
so i create NFS server, i think.. folder (/usr is all softwares and library) because
server A can share to PC A.
because all softwares is updates ( version, bug fix, update ect)

i use one time to upgrate from server A for updates (softwares, library,ect)
pc B and pc C are aready upgrates without administrator updates (me)
for this i wanted to ask you :
server A can shared folder /usr/ to all user pc (upgrade time real) it's works?
because user pc is 130 pc users... i want not go to all pc for updates for software and library...

what do you think? good nfs for /usr? also /bin? /lib? /lib64? but not shared folder (setting system, yast, hardwares, because all pc are diverse hardwares.. so i think only shared folder for software and library upgrates time-real ok?