Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my script


I am fed up in file handing with array for comparing....

1st I want save first 2 columns of file 1

I tried like this,,

{getline< "file1";ln[NR]=$1; lt[NR]=$2}

then I read second file's 1st and 2nd column..and saved like this
and small calculation and initialization

var1 =$1
var2 =$2
calc1= $2-0.1

for loop for 2nd field of 1st and 2nd column...with a length of file 2's number of lines

for(j=1;j<=file2's length,j++)

now for loop like this for

(i=1;i<file1's array length;i++)


if lt >=calc1 && lt<=calc2

following if statements
else increment i and again check condition,

once i length reaches file1's array length

print file2's column fields..

then increment of j in 1st for loop

my script is having some I don't know much about either awk or I could not find where is problem....those who know, please solve my problem

c=`awk 'END{print NR}'file1`
awk '{{getline< "file1";ln[NR]=$1; lt[NR]=$2}}
if(lt[j]>=m && lt[j]<=p)
if(x>=1 && y>=1)
print l1,la1,"Wow you are safe..."
}' OFS="\t" file2.dat

I hope you people understand this thread

Instead of showing us an awk script that seems to do things in an odd way -


  1. post sample input

  2. post expected output

here I am attaching 2 files needs to be compared...first file2 needs to be compared with file1

condition is mentioned in if statements

c=`awk 'END{print NR}' file1.txt`
awk '{{getline< "file1.txt";ll[NR]=$1;lt[NR]=$2}}
if(lt[j]>=m && lt[j]<=p)
if(x>=1 && y>=1)
{print ll1,lt1,"You are in"}
}' OFS="\t" file2.txt

this is printing data
but, data is not in file2, it was suppose to print data from file 2 I really don't know what mistake I am doing here....

pls explain if you find my mistake, I guess might be in array

output looks like this

68.14    23.48    You are in
67.62    23.04    You are in   ------->wrong 23.04 not exist in file2
67.68    23.09    You are in   -------> file1 data is printing
67.73    23.14    You are in   -------> again wrong result...
67.79    23.19    You are in
67.85    23.24    You are in
67.91    23.28    You are in
67.97    23.33    You are in
68.02    23.38    You are in
68.08    23.43    You are in
67.56    22.99    You are in
67.13    22.54    You are in

I agree with Jim. You make us download two files to see that you have one file with spaces as field separators and another file with a tab as the field separator. You give us some awk code that contains no comments and does not do what you want it to do. You tell us that the comments in the if statements explain what you're trying to do (but as I said, there are no comments in your code). You ask us to guess at what you mean by "2 files need to be compared". We can't read your code and tell you what is wrong with it if we don't know what you're trying to do.

Please tell us what you are trying to do in English. Show us sample input and show us the output you want from that sample input. Don't show us that your code doesn't give you what you want; show us what you do want.

I just want to use this logic in shell awk script

1 . First read column 1 and column 2 of file1.txt store it in array(reference)

2 . Now read column 1 and column 2 of file2.txt store it in another array,to be compared with reference 

3 . for loop : - for(i=1;i<=file2.txt_length;i++)

4 . x=0; y=0 this will get clear as and when i will increment

5 . nested loop :-  for(j=1;j<=file1.txt_lenght;j++)

6 . if(col1_f1[j]>=col1_f2-0.1 && col1_f1[j]<=col1_f2+0.1)

if above if statement is true then,go to following statement else check condition with j++

7 . if(col2_f2>=col2_f1[j]) then x=x+1

8 . if(col2_f2<=col2_f1[j]) then y=y+1

repeat 5,6,7 and 8 till j reaches file1.txt_length(NR),Once j reaches NR following

9 . if(x>=1 && y>=1) then print column1_f2 column2_f2 

repeat statements after number 4 to 9 till i reaches file2.txt_length(NR)

I hope this will be helpful

this logic is to find whether file 2.txt is falling within the range of file1.txt(reference)
if falling, how many records are near to records of file1.txt

and this is for mapping purpose, one can see script's result preview in GMT, with reference file

I am trying to write the same logic in awk script, but I couldn't succeed..those who know...awk very well pls help

Thanks in advance.........................

Even with all of your color coding, this logic isn't clear to me. But, just looking at the 1st and last line of your 2nd awk script:

awk '{{getline< "file1.txt";ll[NR]=$1;lt[NR]=$2}}
}' OFS="\t" file2.txt

we can see that for every line you read from file2.txt , you replace $1 and $2 with a line from file1.txt and since file1.txt has many more lines than file2.txt , you are not reading all of file1.txt and you are not saving anything at all read from file2.txt .

The following awk program will perform steps 1 and 2 in your list above. You can build the rest of your steps into the END clause where I currently have the printf statement that shows that there are 2442 lines in your file1.txt and 217 lines in your file2.txt file.

awk '
FNR == NR {
        # Save a line from the 1st input file...
        col1_f1[++f1c] = $1
        col2_f1[f1c] = $2
{       # Save a line from the 2nd input file...
        col1_f2[++f2c] = $1
        col2_f2[f2c] = $2
END {   # Do whatever processing you want to do with the f1c lines you have
        # read into col1_f1[] and col2_f1[] and with the f2c lines you have
        # read into col1_f2[] and col2_f2[].
        # ... ... ...
        printf("%d lines in 1st input file, %d lines in 2nd file.\n", f1c, f2c)
}' file1.txt file2.txt