Calling Winzip from perl script

I would like to invoke "Winzip" utility from a perl script, input the name of zip file and provide output path for unzipped files. Any pointers will be appreciated.


What OS/environment? The Winzip web site doesn't seem to have versions for Unix...

Please come in details..

Why do you want to execute Winzip from Perl? On Windows, you probably can use system() to execute an external command. If all you want to do is to extract or read a ZIP file, use Archive::Zip.

We use Winzip to create a destination path with a specific suffix for individual zipped files on Windows. Just wanted to automate the same for multiple zipped files using a perl script.

prepare the command that does the task for you. then run that command in a perl script as:

@command_to_run = ("command", "arg1", "arg2");
system (@command_to_run);