Calling sqlplus from Korn shell heredoc issue

I am facing an issue wherein some temporary files (here docs) are getting created in /tmp and are not getting deleted automatically.
When i check the list of open files with below command i can see one file is getting appended continuously.(In this case /tmp/sfe7h.34p)
The output is something like below:

bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/lsof | grep '/tmp' | grep '(deleted)'
sh_test 13107     test    0u      REG    8,3      224   1782884 /tmp/sfe7h.34p (deleted)
sh_test 13107     test    1u      REG    8,3        0   1782887 /tmp/sffak.tri (deleted)

Due to this the /tmp mount point is getting full causing trouble to application.
Following is the pseudo script which runs continuously monitoring status of application and then performs some tasks.

result=`sqlplus -s user/password@servicename <<EOF
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
set escape off
set head off
set verify off
set feedback off
select param_value from status where param_name='app_status'
echo $result

while [ `get_app_status` = 'Started' ]; do
#Some logic here

The issue won't occur if we remove the first line shell interpreter(#!/bin/ksh) or we call the get_app_status once or twice and not in loop.
Korn shell version is:
version sh (AT&T Research) 93s+ 2008-01-31
Any help in understanding the cause is deeply Appreciated.


Those files have been deleted as indicated by "(deleted)". But, as the command/script/program that created and populated them is still running and keeps them open, their data and meta data on disk can't be released.
Try closing them by e.g. changing the redirection in your script, and - voila - they'll disappear.

Thanks RudiC.

Not sure how we can change the redirection in script. Please suggest.

For example just

exec > /tmp/newfile

within the script. May be wise to change the filename every now and then.

The script works fine with below changes. Temporary heredoc files are getting created and subsequently deleted for each DB call

eval `result=`sqlplus -s user/password@servicename <<EOF
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
set escape off
set head off
set verify off
set feedback off
select param_value from status where param_name='app_status'
echo $result

while [ `get_app_status` = 'Started' ]; do
#Some logic here