Calling of search using awk

rina lives:fatin:20:20:20

i am having a small problem in extracting out the information from the database. For example, if i were to input a book titled rina into my search , i would only want it to display the row which has the title rina, like this


but when i use a coding like this :

grep -i "$Title" fruit| awk -F":" '{ print $0}'`

its displays both titles and their information

rina lives:fatin:20:20:20

for some reason, it will read both rows as both contains the word "rina". does anybody know how i can modify my statement to solve this problem?


grep -i "^$Title:" fruit

hey thanks. could you help explain what ^ means?

awk -F: '$1==str' str="${Title}" OFS=':' fruit

It is called and anchor. It limits the match to what is at the begin of the line.

@vgersh99. I think OFS is superfluous in this case, no?:

awk -F: '$1==str' str="$Title" fruit