Calling a servlet from schell script

Hi All,

I have deployed a servlet on my server and the u r l is


localhost:9080/ ExampleApp / TestJackServlet

This works fine when i launch this URL from the browser

I am looking for shell script to hit the servlet or hit the URL without launching the browser session.

I am looking at wget command

Could you please help me with the shell script, how could i achieve this if possible

Many Thanks in advance,

First of all try:

man wget

Then perhaps something like:

wget --spider http://localhost:9080/ExampleApp/TestJackServlet

You can use cURL too.

Thanks verdepollo,

will this open the browser session?

i also want to return value 0 if my process through servlet is successful and 1 if it is unsuccessful

please let me know how this can be achieved

Many Thanks,

No, but you should try it by yourself.

When you say "my process" what exactly do you mean?