calling a C executable from inside a Perl script

here's the Perl code snippet...
how can i call my C executable 'porter-stemmer' and pass it $1 as
an argument? Thanks for the help!

# Read through the original topic set, and modify based on the current
# pre-processing options
while (<TOPIC_ORIG>)
# Run pre-processing over only the text of the title (assumes title
# cannot extend over multiple lines)
if (/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/)
print TOPIC_TMP "<title>", porter-stemmer $1, "</title>\n";

\# Output XML formatting as is
print TOPIC_TMP;


close TOPIC_TMP;

try Shell - it allows you to issue commands to the shell - sh, I believe.

use Shell(porter-stemmer);
print TOPIC_TMP "<title>", porter-stemmer( $1), "</title>\n";

You can also try exec port-stemmer $1
But I don't know if it will work inside the print line.


print TOPIC_TMP '<title>'.`porter-stemmer $1`.'</title>'."\n";