
Could someone till me what this calculation really means

let foo=`date "+(1%H-106)*60+1%M-100"` bar=foo+1440 


The above command just substitutes current hour o/p in place of %H & current minute o/p in place of %M. Eg: If current time is 09:49, your statement will be something like this.
If you want value of this expression, you can pass this to bc command like

echo $foo | bc


what if I wanted the date yesterday (5/10) 6:00 AM through the prev day of 5/9 6:00 AM? how would you code that?

The script as posted calculates the time 18 hours in the future expressed as minutes since the start of today.

i.e. 24x60=1440 (number of hours in the day)
The script subtracts 6 hours from the current time then adds the 24 hours. Nett 18 hours.

@freddie99 Don't understand your latest question. Can you give examples.

@bsnithin The script does the calculation already.

Thanks! you explained how the calculation works so I should be able to do on my own now. awesome! thanks everyone!!!