calculate time


How do I calculate time? I need to create an alert if a process is running more than 30 minutes.

I need to get the first time and then get another, calculate it if more than 30 mins and then alert it to pager.

Can't find it in internet.

Thanks in advance,

If you run the process from a script then sleep(1) is what you want. Start the process, sleep for 30 minutes and then check for the process using pgrep(1) or similar.

You could use RSCT for monitoring, have a look at: Status daemon monitoring

A simple way could be to:
Identify the process to monitor and create a trigger for monitoring it (such as a shell script) that are armed when the process time exceeds 30 min, and then do the paging.

Check the "IBM.Program" resource class and "Processes" resource: "IBM.Program Each resource of this class represents a program that is running on the host. " (Resource classes defined by the host resource manager)