C shell--take the minimum of a column

I have a data file with two columns,
for the second column I want to find the minimum,
and subtract this minimum from each value in the second column,
how to realize this using C shell

For example, I have

1  -2.4
2  -4.8
3   7.9

I wanna output

1    2.4
2    0
3  12.7


my $min=0;
  my @tmp = split;
foreach my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %hash){
  print $hash{$key}->{val}->[0]," ",$hash{$key}->{val}->[1]-$min,"\n";
1  -2.4
2  -4.8
3   7.9

Thanks a lot, summer cherry!
Anyone can help on a C shell version?
Appreciate your time!


1  -2.4
2  -4.8
3   7.9
set asd = `awk '$2< min {min=$2;} END{ print min}' data`
awk '{$2=$2 - '"$asd"'} {print $0}' data

It works.
Thanks a lot!