C reading file

how can i read first line two times without close file?

Can we please know the intention behind this question?

read the first line
rewind the pointer to 0
read the first line again

rewind the pointer to 0

Or: read first line and copy to a second char*

i have to read the first line and after the file completely

Let's assume you have a file like this:

  1. This is line 1
  2. Line 2
  3. And finally line 3

Do you want to have a result like:

  1. This is line 1
  2. This is line 1


  1. This is line 1
  2. Line 2
  3. And finally line 3
  4. This is line 1

or something completely else?

i have a function that reads the first line and another function that must read all lines. i don't want open the file two times so i pass the file pointer to the second function which starts to read from the second line.

fopen -> fgets -> fseek -> fgets until eof -> fclose


Another way would be to fopen the file record the offset with fgetpos and read a line and reset the offset to the beginning with fsetpos and finally read the entire file...

fopen / fgetpos / fgets / fsetpos / read entire file