C++ program help

Hi I was wondering if i can get a little help with constructing a particular program please.

The program has the following specifications:

Input One integer, read from standard input, representing the deposit, in pounds. The following prompt should be displayed before the deposit is read in: Deposit:
Data validation If the data entered by the user falls into one of the following categories, the corresponding error message should be displayed on the standard error stream and the program should terminate, returning a status value of 1 by means of a call to exit(). Non-integer data Error: deposit must be a whole number of pounds Less than 10,000 Error: minimum deposit 10,000 More than 250,000 Error: maximum deposit 250,000 Output The interest rate applied to the deposit and the amount of interest payable, in the following format: Rate = 3.16
Interest = 1974.96
I don't need it to be too complex, i just need a little help as to how to approach this. a starting point would be great help. Thanks in advance.

by the sound of your question you know very little about c++ at the moment.
have you tried Mr. Google with a request for c++ tutorials. any tutorial will show you basic input output and basic maths

And it sounds remarkably like homework. The forum rules explictly forbid homework threads.

well then, can you at least tell me how I can work out interest using emacs. I Know how to program in c++ but i just gorget how to work out interest.

Thanks if you can help.

principle*(rate/100)=interest payable