C library

Does anybody know are there free C library that implements most features of C++ standard library?
e.g. I've used Berkeley in-memory db as maps (hash) but this isn't sufficient

What features?

For hashing how about the GP hash function library?

Another choice is to use perlcall to create a callback to access perl library calls:

Thanks in advance
But I think this thread is far from closing...
Any other suggestions are welcome

but what about std algorithms (e.g. find, sort, etc.) :confused:

For sorting arrays in C, you can use qsort, see 'man 3 qsort'.

If you need abstract streaming types, investigate libSDL, it has neat things they call SDL_RWops. They're structures full of function pointers that can be populated by any functions you want. SDL comes with ones for reading from files and memory, and I've written an extension library, SDL_rwlib, that includes things like TCP/IP sockets, UNIX fd's, gz streams, bzip2 streams, temp files and temp memory spaces, ring buffers, and an SDL_rwprintf.

What else do you need? If you're looking for a total replacement of C++ STL, you're out of luck, since the closest thing C has to templates is macros...

the glibc has hash functions, several others have more specialised functions.
can you please explain what problem you try to solve with those hashes. it will be easier to usccest an alternative solution

I've found something interesting for hash: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~cwc22/hashtable/

are your sure that your hash function is the problem ?
perhaps you data are 'bad' for the function (aka too much collisions)

do you cache your data propperly ?
do you realy NEED the data you hash ? you can improve the performance dramaticly if you handle
mem.slaps that fit into the processor cache.