C - IP change during a hardware refresh?

Hi All,

I was told to perform analysis for IP change during a hardware refresh?
Does the IP change when a hardware refresh is performed?
if Yes, why?

Depends what you mean by 'hardware refresh'.

If you mean 'rebooting the system' then yes, the IP could change.

This is because, whenever it asks for an IP via dhcp, it might get a different answer than last time.

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Hi visitsany,

The IP address can be set in different ways, some times as a static IP address - usually contolled by the local configuration files on the system. Or by picking up a DHCP lease from a controlling server, if the system is DHCP'd then it is likely to get a different IP Address as the lease on the old system may ve valid for a number of days or even weeks.

You will have to speak with your admin team to determine how the IP Addresses are controled on your estate.



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The machines were rebooted in the past. and IP didn't change.
Shouldn't be just a reboot.

what else could be part of a hardware refresh?

Someone modifying the network interface config files...

But what do you call a hardware refresh? and what OS are you talking about?

I will find out and post what is actually being done?
the OS is Solaris.