c++ compilation errors

Hello every one,

while compiling c++ modules.
i am getting the following 2 errors.


/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbh/include/cdbh_TransferFileHeader.h:111: error: �ulong_t� does not name a type
/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbh/include/cdbh_TransferFileHeader.h:118: error: �ulong_t� does not name a type
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In static member function �static bool cdbh_InfoFile::checkIFReadable()�:
cdbh_InfoFile.C:97: error: �errno� was not declared in this scope
cdbh_InfoFile.C:98: error: �ENOENT� was not declared in this scope
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In member function �void cdbh_InfoFile::updateOldestTFDate(const cdbh_TransferFileHeader*)�:
cdbh_InfoFile.C:172: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C:182: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In member function �void cdbh_InfoFile::updateYoungestTFDate(const cdbh_TransferFileHeader*)�:
cdbh_InfoFile.C:209: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In constructor �cdbh_InfoFile::cdbh_InfoFile(const std::list<cdbh_TransferFileHeader*, std::allocator<cdbh_TransferFileHeader*> >, std::string&)�:
cdbh_InfoFile.C:269: error: �ulong_t� was not declared in this scope
cdbh_InfoFile.C:269: error: expected `;' before �hour�
cdbh_InfoFile.C:271: error: �hour� was not declared in this scope
cdbh_InfoFile.C:272: error: �minute� was not declared in this scope
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In member function �void cdbh_InfoFile::updateEntryList(const cdbh_TransferFileHeader&)�:
cdbh_InfoFile.C:338: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C:358: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C: In member function �std::string cdbh_InfoFile::removeTFData(const cdbh_TransferFileHeader
cdbh_InfoFile.C:428: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
cdbh_InfoFile.C:437: error: �const class cdbh_TransferFileHeader� has no member named �getNumberOfRecords�
*** Error code 1
clearmake: Error: Build script failed for "/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbh/obj_0000/Linux//cdbh_InfoFile.o"


Warning: Semantic checking prevented by other reported errors
/opt/dce/bin/idl: File /root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbm/idl/cdbm_0000.idl, line 36: [out] cdbm_t_cdbOccupancyo1_occupancy,
Name not found: cdbm_t_cdbOccupancy
/opt/dce/bin/idl: File /root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbm/idl/cdbm_0000.idl, line 42: [out] cdbm_t_diskQuota
Name not found: cdbm_t_diskQuota
make: *** [/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbm/obj_0000/Linux//cdbm_0000.h] Error 3

for the second error i checked cdbm_t_cdbOccupancy & cdbm_t_diskQuota are available in the specified path.

can some of u suggest a way to solve these 2 errors.

kind regards,