Business Rules Forum 2008: The Borat Marketing Award

10-29-2008 10:48 AM
� for the vendor collateral included in the conference bags had a clear winner: a certain decision table tool vendor�s �Treasure Map�. This carefully pre-crumpled sheet indeed contained treasures, but not, one suspects, as the vendor intended. These were statements such as:

  • �the RETE wall of performance scalability�
    (presumably nothing but Rete algorithm-based rule engines can get close to climbing this - which is unfortunate as this vendor does not support production rules, Rete or otherwise),
  • the �tar pit of wimpy templates�
    (presumably a reference to the role of decision table-based rule templates for sticky rule scenarios at a fast food chain), and
  • �rules buried in technical languages�
    (probably a dig at writing business rules as Plain Old Java, COBOL, BPEL, or something equally daft).

Luckily the vendor involved realized it needed to compensate attendees for this �marketing� by giving away its technology at their stand, although this fine offer did somewhat contradict the follow-up claim that said technology was at the same time a �$5,000 value�.

Honorable mention must go to the runner-up, one of the major BRMS vendors, who decided an orange fridge magnet with their tool�s Infoworld review scores on it was just the ticket. Fridge magnet? With a list of review scores? Just what sort of warped mind comes up with these ideas?

DISCLAIMER: this was an award I was happy to see TIBCO not competing for at this event!
