Business Rules Forum 2008: Nearly CEP

10-29-2008 11:15 AM
Just to show how close the BRE/BRMS and CEP fields are to converging was ably demonstrated by Kevin Forbes of Healthways in his presentation on the massive data requirements and event loads being handled by a conventional BRMS, albeit with much of the �heavy lifting� being done by a Coherance cache, with traceability being handled by Amberpoint. Points of note were:

  • �Network and data access are the limiting factors� in decision automation.
  • Distributed cache and data grid approaches are �key for decision service performance� and �multi event correlation�.
  • They are looking at / planning to do real-time analytics in terms of updating rules from analysis of data on the datagrid. Which makes perfect sense.

In some respects these guys have constructed their own custom equivalent (albeit with a web services level for invoking the rules, on a Microsoft platform) of a CEP tool like TIBCO BusinessEvents. Needless to say I thought it was a great presentation�
