Building a script to share music with SoundCloud

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I am not familiar with the web site/service.
Can you provide specifics on:
1) can you create a listing (report) of the 150 groups
2) can you provide details or listing on what songs currently in a group

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Thank you very much for replying. Removing thread.

How to know what groups you belong to?
(a) do you maintain a list, or
(b) do you randomly connect

How to know if song is in the group?
(a) a list command that tells you it is there, or
(b) you try to add and you get a 'duplicate' message'

and so on....

Beyond that, not even sure if the website you are trying to work with would accept some kind of automated keystrokes.

Thank you.

The contents of the website are just as important as what it looks like.

Nobody can write code based on "it has a drop down box here and another there", "this is blue and this is black", etc, etc.

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