Building a cluster

I am working on putting togethor information on building a cluster. There are so many different types of software and hardware needed to havea fully optimized Cluster system.

An important aspect of it is the file system that is chosen. I am researching all the fielsystems that are out there and pros and cons with each one, to give people a one-stop place in finding out information about cluster systems, including the file systems.

So my question to everyone here is what file systems do you like the best and what has made yor life easier/harder when it comes to clusters.

I am going to post all the information I find about clusters at

A previous thread on Clustering, and there should be others you may want to start reading through as well.

If your cluster will be containing large files, then you may consider using SGI's XFS filesystem. If it contains alot of little files, such as text, HTML's, scripts, code, then look into ReiserFS.