Browse directory

friends of mine I have the following problem:

in a direct I have a file list, for example:

-rw-rw-r--  1 satvercl2 desa      6620 nov 26 15:35  prueba1.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 satvercl2 desa      6620 nov 26 15:35  prueba2.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 satvercl2 desa      6620 nov 26 15:35  prueba3.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 satvercl2 desa      6620 nov 26 15:35  prueba4.txt

I need to save to a file only the file name example:


I am using ls guadar -latr but I can not name only ejemplo :

ls -latr prueba*.txt > tmp.tmp

Please look at the ls man page on your system (using man ls ) to determine if you need any of those options. You definitely do not want the l option (which produces long format listings).

The simplest solution to what you said you are trying to do would just be:

ls prueba*.txt > tmp.txt

With most shells on most systems, the following would be faster since printf is usually a shell built-in and ls usually is not a shell built-in:

printf '%s\n' prueba*.txt > tmp.txt

Note that in both of these examples I changed the name of your output file from tmp.tmp to tmp.txt , but you can use whatever name you want.


Perfect, thank you very much .

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