breaking into a v240's alom

had a v240 pre-configured and running the OS and alom, for about 3 months good, no issues.

All of sudden, I can't see the IP address of the OS and the alom..

There is nothing wrong with thet network...

I suspect the ALOM crashed and/or something bad happened to it..

Is there anyway to break into it ??

I imagined if the ALOM did not come up, neither the OS would ..


if both, alom and os are down, i would say there is something wrong with the power... the alom should be up shortly after power is connected to the server.

I have no trouble getting power at all.. connecting two power cords to the system..

Things seem to run normally,

I just can't ping the alom's IP nor the server's IP...

I suspect something really bad is happening...

I try to connect to the serial console mgt port (DB9 male pin) , but nothing shows up...

I am scratching head real hard now ponder what's going on..

you need to connect to the RJ45 serial port (SERIAL MGT) in the below picture...