Booting problem Veritas

Hi ,
I am having 490 Sun Fire Server ,Server having Two 72 GB each Disk.Disk are under veritas VM 4 control.
Both disk are mirred with veritas VM4.
Fisrt disk is encapsulate and other disk is mirred.System is working Fine but when I removed Fitrst Disk and reboot the system it does not boot from the mirror disk. When I shifted this mirror disk to first Disk slot system work.
IO know this is some thing releted to OBP but disk is under veritas control. can some one help me on this as system is under production environmnets.


have you set the opb variable "boot-device" to your disks?
in obp: setenv boot-device disk0 disk1
in OS: eeprom boot-device=disk0\ disk1
(if disk1 is your second)
you can use any name for the disks, have a look to devalias and nvalias in your obp manual


Yes, I set the same. But it does not work .
Pradeep Rajput

hmmm... can you boot from the first disk in the second slot? perhabs your fc-backplane is damaged...

have you ever had a look if the second disk is really the nvalias you set in your boot-device variable?


Here is something else to check: If the box is in diagnostic mode, boot-device is ignored and the box will boot from the value stored in diag-device instead. The variable diagnostic-mode? controls whether or not you are in diagnostic mode.