Boot problem

Hi all,
I have the the following SCSI diagnostic codes shown in the attached photo
I suspect disk drive failure what can I do further to diagnose the disk. and if possible to boot into OS again.

First thing to do is to re-seat the drive (in the slot??).

This might just be a connection or electrical contact issue.

Has this just happened or was something altered or adjusted just prior?

Can you hear whether the disk is spinning? Perhaps withdraw the disk and put it quickly to your ear as it spins down.

I already did anything further can I do

So do you know if it's spinning?

Yes it's spinning

I suggest that you boot the machine into single user:

boot cdrom -s

then try and run 'format'. Select 'analyze' and 'read' to do a non-destructive test of the surface. See what errors you get there.

Also, you could launch format in expert mode:

format -e

then select the scsi menu. Be careful not to do anything destructive.

As you will appreciate, this is a difficult issue to troubleshoot remotely. I assume the drive is not making any bad clicking noises?

Your photo seems to indicate that it is trying to read the same sector when this error occurs. If that's all it is then remapping that might work.

---------- Post updated at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:05 PM ----------

Also, regardless of anything IF you get this drive to talk sense, you need to run an immediate backup because it doesn't look healthy.