Boot options - DVD drive read error

I was wondering if there was a way to boot from openboot from the dvd drive. I was thinking about imaging the dvd to a blank drive and going about it that way. I just need to do a flash install.

I dont really understand what your question is. Are you trying to boot off a dvd or a flash archive? Is your dvd drive working fine? What system model are you working on?

DVD is not working. V440 V210 and V240's. I'm trying to install flash archive remotely by booting off the DVD. But the DVD drives are ruined.

use a jumpstartserver to boot the machine...

Will that work on different lans? I thought they had to be on the same lan?

You can use wanboot jumpstart for remote installation, or if it is simply a different LAN segment and you can configure the router for DHCP relay you can use DHCP jumpstart.

Another alternative is temporarily connect a JS server to the same LAN segment.