Boot Error - NIS services fails with Status 96

My system suddenly crash and when it rebooted there was an error:

/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3 is logging
     svc.startd[[7]: svc:/network/nis/client:default: Method "/method/yp" failed with status 96.
     [ network/nis/client:default misconfigured (see 'svcs -x' for details ]

The system completes booting however when I log in a user account / directory is not longer available.

When I run svcs -xv command is states:

network/nis/client:default State is Maintenance
Started method exitedwith $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG
Impact This service is not running

Any idea on how to restore user account and files.
Thanks for you help

Firstly, which version of Solaris is it?

Secondly, what are the filesystems? UFS or ZFS?

Thirdly, what was the 'crash'? Panic, power cut, hardware failure, what?

Have you checked the integrity of the filesystem(s)?