Boot CD for DD command

I don't have much experience with Unix. My box runs SCO. The HD failed and I had it replaced under warranty. Now I need to clone a HD from another identical box with the DD command to the new disk. Where can I get a CD to boot from so I can use the command to copy the first disk to the second.

Thanks for your help

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I know that ClosedBSD has both boot floppy and boot CD. They should have dd on them so that you can clone your drive.

Thanks for your reply. I tried ClosedBSD. I downloaded the ISO image and booted it up. Apperently the DD command is not available. It gives me a message "crunch: dd not compiled in". I have no idea where to go from here. If anyone has any comments I'd appreciate it.

I'll be looking into your other suggestions to see if I have better luck.


My favorite little tool:

That may (or may not) help.
I'm pretty sure it has dd on it though...

Remember that device names may be different (hd* for IDE drives, and sd* for SCSII).