boot a unix terminal

I issued a halt command to a remote unix terminal and it shut down with root user through putty.

Is there a way to start it back on?

jepp, go to the box and start it or if you have a lom/rsc/sc (i don't know if you have something like this in your box) you can connect to this and restart your mashine...

You're talking about a server and not a serial terminal right?

For a server if you don't have access to the iLo or the MP...then you will have to hard set it with the power button.

Using the MP (management console) would probably be the easiest if you have an the admin passwd.

ssh to the MP using the i.p. address of the MP. (ex...Admin@
type in the password
should bring up a menu list

CO: Console
VFP: Virtual Front Panel
CM: Command Menu
SMCLP: Server Management Command Line Protocol
CL: Console Log
SL: Show Event Logs
HE: Main Help Menu
X: Exit Connection

type CM
then issue the command rs (reset) or pc (power control)
<ctrl>b to the main menu
x to exit

Thanks nixnoob, but i dont have any details about the availability of MP or iLo or the related IP.

I think i would need to contact the admin