Binary to Text Convertor

Hey Im starting out in C just recently and Im needing a string that converts binary to text, The only way i know of doing this without knowledge of C entirely. Is Making a sorta of library of the entire alphabet in binary for the program to select the text from it to display a sentence. If that makes any sense, anyways any help would be appreciated as would some tutorials on these matters.

nope just a hobby i graduated from school later year.

here is one way - using strtol()

#include <stdlib.h>
/* assume two hex chars per ascii value */
void hex2ascii(char *dest, char *src){
      char tmp[4]={0x0};     
      char **ptr=NULL, 
          for(int i=0;src;i+=2){
              sprintf(tmp,"%c",strtol(tmp,ptr,16) );

You can also use sscanf().