Best way to change IP for Linux

Hi everyone!:wink: Can you please suggest something really cool and easy for changing the IP for linux? I need something advantageous and not very expensive. It would be great if I could first try it for free. Thanks!

You want to change the IP address?

You need to be more specific about your setup.

  • Which Linux, incl. version?
  • Physical host or virtual machine?
  • Internal network (i.e. behind a router) or on the internet?


A basic IP address change is very simple, and a Google search would get you an easy answer. Did you search?

Hi Scott! Thank you for your reply! I actually need something that will change the country IP. I have restrictions and I cannot watch Hulu be brief- I want to watch TV shows and movies anytime and anywhere.

It sound like you need VPN. Google is your friend.