best solution for managing many nameservers


i was searching around for good solution for managing many nameservers to add the records on the slave servers and update them and if possible some web-based manegment for non-experianced customers.

anyone has an idea where can i find such solution?

You didn't mention what I'll try to cover different ones:

One option - Webmin.

It's a web-based interface for system administration - good point: it's free. Whether it will be what you want I'm not sure. I only know about it because there was one person asking for help in administration of DNS utilizing it Matt's webmin problems.

If you are looking to pay some $$$...
DNS Boss
For NT or 2000 - DeEnesse DNS

Just do a search on Google for DNS GUI administration and you should find lots of choices. I've been fortunate that I can still use CVS and vi for the sites I have to admin.