Best possible communication mechanism between a Solaris machine and a windows machine


I have some windows client machines which require a signal to be sent by a Solaris machine( SunOS 5.6) when ever a particular event occurs on that Solaris machine. What are possible communication mechanisms by which i can do this.

the constraints are
> the windows machines have to subscribe/request for this before they get a signal.
> the number of windows machines may vary.

these signals are produced very frequently.

Thanks in advance.
Krsh :slight_smile:

you could install samba on the solaris machine, create a cifs share and mount it on all windows systems

when the event occurs, create a file in a directory and write a script on windows to look for that file frequently

other method is install ssh on windows, create a authorized key connection between solaris and windows, and run a command on each windows system

hostname.txt contains all hostnames

then write somthing like

for i in $(cat hostnames.txt) 
  ssh "$i":/command

Edit: I doubt it's the BEST possible solution, the best solution would be a client server program over port communication written in high level programming language

you have a lot of possibitlities...

  • send a mail to a user
  • use a centralized syslog server
  • use smtp
  • ...

choose the solution you are familiar with. this would be the "best" solution for you!

To add to the confusion: SNMP with traps

smtp in my last post should be snmp... damn shortcuts :wink:

Thanks a ton guys,

> my problem is, i cannot have Samba on the Solaris box for some security reasons.
> quite new to this SNMP, not sure whether it is involving an introduction to an agent on the server.

Can we have a socket communication between Solaris box and the windows clients.( i have never tried this, not sure whether it is dumb q :confused:).

then take any windows share and mount it on both windows and solaris, the shared directory may come from any other samba/windows server

it's also possible to share nfs from windows with additional software like hummingbird


if we go with nfs on windows,

> the server( Solaris box) has to keep track of all the windows machines and,
even if this is fine,

> we need to have a polling(continiously or in intervels) on client side,checking whether a new file has come.

Can we have a client process, in blocked state, until a file comes in, and if a file arrives, comes out of blocked state and act accordingly.

Thanks :slight_smile: