Beginner needs help with script

I would like to get a sample script (ksh or bash, or both so I could see the differences)

What I want to do with the script is send an daily email to myself that contains the following:

  • The number of files in a directory
  • The total size of the files in that directory
  • The contents of a file whos name has yesterdays date ( typical filename = dailyLog.20070216 )

I also want to delete files greater that n days old in a directory

Here is a start.. You need to use find.

# find files older than 10 days and delete them
find /path/to/directory -type f -mtime +10 -exec rm -f {} \;
# count files
echo "file count \c"
find  /path/to/directory -type f -print | wc -l

See Perderabo's datecalc script in the FAQ on date arithmetic to get yesterday, tomorrow, etc. Then build a filename, use cat to display the file

Thanks Jim,

I got the code for datecalc, it requires the following format

The code I am using to get yesterdays date is;

curr_time=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`
yesterday=`./datecalc.ksh -a $curr_time -1`

Also how would I send all of that stuff in an email?