batch file--bunch of commands

I have a batch file that takes 2 parameters--source file location and target file location.

I want to create another batch file that contains all the commands with the file locations so that I dont have to enter the ifnromation every time individually.

For eg:
to execute command

com1.bat source_file_loc output_file_loc

This will give me the output file in output_file_loc

I want to run the same command but with many files so my file should be

com1.bat source_file_loc1 output_file_loc1
com1.bat source_file_loc2 output_file_loc2
com1.bat source_file_loc3 output_file_loc3
com1.bat source_file_loc4 output_file_loc4
com1.bat source_file_loc5 output_file_loc5
com1.bat source_file_loc6 output_file_loc6

But when I run com_full.bat it creates only output_file_loc1....and then exits....How would I go about getting this done?

call com1.bat ....

Awesome works....

Thanks so much!!!!

i wish i couldnt be new at this stuff but i need lots of helm add me and ill talk of wht little i know but wiill need to know how to be a pro at haking or just someone good at it , but i still dont want it to take for ever!!?..