Basic perl code- Date format

Hi friends,

Please see the below code carefully.


# Get batch date and Ord range
open OR,$ARGV[2];
while (<OR>) { # find the batch date
next if length $_ < 3; # BLANK LINE
# last if $. > 120; # sample should be good enough

$firstOrder ||= $ordId;
close OR;
@maxdates = sort{$dates{$b} <=> $dates{$a}} keys %dates;
$batch_date = shift @maxdates;
undef @maxdates;


so whatever i am catching batch_date from $ARGV[2];

that is interms of date+time
eg:2011-05-20 07:38:28

i want that batch date should be only contain date 2011-05-20
I cant change the file so plz tell me how can i do this, so that in next step i can use maxdate (@maxdates = sort{$dates{$b} <=> $dates{$a}} keys %dates;)

so plz help me to do so


use the result of command ls -l in linux ,, use its 4rth entry to sort or copy whatever u want..

Your problem boils down to converting a string like this -

2011-05-20 07:38:28

to this -


After you capture the value of $batch_date and before you add it as a hash key, you may want to perform a trimming operation like the following -

$ perl -le '$batch_date = "2011-05-20 07:38:28"; $batch_date =~ s/ .*$//; print $batch_date'


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