Bash to update files to be used by awk

In the below bash there are 6 .txt files in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/ref_val/ that are being updated from the 6 .vcf files in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/validation/files/*.vcf . The awk in the post updates the files with the information, however the files are not being updated so the awk stalls. Each filename will have the portion before the _ that matches between /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/ref_val/*.txt and /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/validation/files/*.vcf

Example of file in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/ref_val/*.txt


this file is updated from /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/validation/files/*.vcf


FN= /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/ref_val/*.txt

matching files used to update FN

example of vcf file from (this is the file that update FN )

chr1    43395635    43395635    C    T    exonic    SLC2A1    .    synonymous SNV    SLC2A1:NM_006516:exon5:c.588G>A:p.P196P    rs2229682    0.23    0.12    0.024    0.21    0.08    0.19    0.15    0.18    0.044    0.19    0.074    0.23    0.21    0.19    0.19    0.15    0.049    0.2    0.12    -0.1558    -0.594    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    Benign    not_specified    RCV000081436.5    MedGen    CN169374    GOOD    399    het    19

example of text file from (this is the file being updated)


     for FN in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/ref_val/*.txt; do
awk '
BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"
NR == 1 {
outfile = FILENAME
FNR == NR {
o[i[++ic] = $1 OFS $2 OFS $3] = $0
{if($2 OFS $4 OFS $5 in o)
o[$2 OFS $4 OFS $5] = $1 OFS $2 OFS $4 OFS $5 OFS $6 OFS $7 OFS $50 OFS $51 OFS $52 OFS $53
END {for(j = 1; j <= ic; j++)
print o[i[j]] > outfile
}' $FN ${FN%%_*}/home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/validation/files/*.vcf

desired output (this is FN before updating)

9943666    C    T
161281245    T    C
138662273    G    A
64142859    C    T

this is FN after updating

chr16    9943666    C    T    exonic    GRIN2A    GOOD    343    het    18
chr5    161281245    T    C    exonic    GABRA1    GOOD    197    het    13
chr9    138662273    G    A    exonic    KCNT1    GOOD    275    het    15
chr3    64142859    C    T    exonic    PRICKLE2    GOOD    355    het    23

If no match is found in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/comparison/validation/files/*.vcf to update FN , then it it skipped and the next line is processed. I hope I have included everything and thank you :).