bash shell scripting


i am new to UNIX. I have couple of basic questions.

  1. Is the syntax for BASH shell programming same in the LINUX and SUN SOLARIS operating systems?
  2. I have to work on BASH shell programming in SUN SOLARIS operating system. I am going through the documentation from the following links,

I have a doubt that i am in a right track or not?

Any help in this regard will be highly appriciated.

Azaz Ali.

bash syntax will be the same both places - Linux & Solaris.

What varies are what versions (ie., functionality) of a few common utilities like awk.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your early reply.

Can i go through the above mentioned links on bash shell programming. If you know the other links better than the above one could you send me the lniks.

Appeciate your help in this regard.

Azaz Ali.

Hi Guys,

Thanks you very much for replying my question.

Azaz Ali.