Bash - sed - Remove first word from line which can begin eventually with blank

How to remove first word from line. The line may or may not start with blank.

NEW_PARAM1=$(magic-command "    -t --protocol=TCP  -P 12345-u root -h localhost ")
NEW_PARAM2=$(magic-command "-t --protocol=TCP  -P 12345 -u root -h localhost ")

I want NEW_PARAM1 equal to NEW_PARAM2 equal to "--protocol=TCP........"

I don't care the number of blank following the first word.

"-t --protocol=TCP" or "-t         --protocol=TCP"  or "   -t         --protocol=TCP" 

is the same for me.
What is important is to remove the first word and keep the rest as is.

Any help is welcome

 sed 's/^[^ ][^ ]* //' myFile


sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]]\{1,\}[[:blank:]]*//' file


awk 'NF{$1=x; sub(/^ /,x)}1' file