Bash Scripting

Hello there peeps:

There is a little piece of bash shell scripting problem i have, which i was hoping you could help me with.


case $(( $$ % 8  )) in
        0 ) echo "energy";;
        1 ) echo "touch";;
        2 ) echo "climbing";;
        3 ) echo "declare";;
        4 ) echo "marry";;
        5 ) echo "relax";;
        6 ) echo "bugs";;
        7 ) echo "inaccessible"
        #8 ) echo "country" ;;
        #9 ) echo "folder" ;;
        #10 ) echo "advertisement" ;;
        #11 ) echo "heading" ;;
        #12 ) echo "distasteful" ;;
        #13 ) echo "fashioned" ;;
        #14 ) echo "variation" ;;
        #15 ) echo "individual"


The code is suppose to generate a random word and insert it here:

        letters=$(echo $word | wc -c)
        letters=$(( $letters - 1 ))
        template="$(echo $word | tr '[a-z A-Z 0-9]' '.')"

the rest of the script i havent bothered pasting here, but i will if you guys will need to have a look at it.

Simply what i am trying to achieve is, for the function stored_word to generate a random word and then insert it into $word, which dose. then the 2nd piece of code, mixes it all up. The main problem is they are in the same script and need to be in 2 different script. How can i achieve that, without using sed or awk?


        . stored_word_script
        letters=$(echo $word | wc -c)
        letters=$(( $letters - 1 ))
        template="$(echo $word | tr '[a-z A-Z 0-9]' '.')"

when the script is run, it keeps on running on the same word over and over again, instead of taking a new one and placing it in $word. is there any way of cleaning a Variable?


Use RANDOM instead of $$

case $(( $RANDOM % 8  )) in