bash script to rename in mass

Basically, I have a huge amount of files (ripped audiobooks) that all have the same garbage in their filenames. I'm wondering how to go about writing a bash script to mass rename them. Example filenames as they stand now:

The First CD - 1x01 - Title 1.mp3
The First CD - 1x02 - Title 2.mp3
The First CD - 1x03 - Title 3.mp3
The First CD - 1x04 - Title 4.mp3

I'd like to have the script ask me what needs to be removed and then do it.

In this case, I want to remove the text: "The First CD - "
The output of the directory above would then be:

1x01 - Title 1.mp3
1x02 - Title 2.mp3
1x03 - Title 3.mp3
1x04 - Title 4.mp3

Thanks all!

for i in *.mp3
   echo mv "$i" "${i/The First CD - /}"

If that's what you want, just remove the echo

If you have rename:

rename 'The First CD - ' '' *.mp3

Killer! Thanks for the suggestions guys. I found from this site.

if you have Python , you can use this script.
eg usage

# ls -1 *Title*mp3
The First CD - 1x01 - Title 1.mp3
The First CD - 1x02 - Title 2.mp3

# -p "The First CD - " -e "" -l "*Title*mp3" #use -l to check
==>>>>  [ /home/The First CD - 1x01 - Title 1.mp3 ]==>[ /home/1x01 - Title 1.mp3 ]
==>>>>  [ /home/The First CD - 1x02 - Title 2.mp3 ]==>[ /home/1x02 - Title 2.mp3 ]

# -p "The First CD - " -e ""  "*Title*mp3" #remove -l to commit
/home/The First CD - 1x01 - Title 1.mp3  is renamed to  /home/1x01 - Title 1.mp3
/home/The First CD - 1x02 - Title 2.mp3  is renamed to  /home/1x02 - Title 2.mp3

# ls -1 *Title*mp3
1x01 - Title 1.mp3
1x02 - Title 2.mp3